With The Future Homes Standard being enforced in 2025, find out how you can comply with new airtightness and ventilation regulations.
By Sophie Neaves on Mon 20 November 2023
Passivhaus retrofit means renovating older homes to meet passivhaus standards and become energy efficient. Find out how retrofit passivhaus works.
By Sophie Neaves on Mon 20 November 2023
Discover how Airflow UK is supporting World Ventil8 Day, and why we want to raise awareness of the importance of good ventilation.
By Sophie Neaves on Tue 07 November 2023
MVHR has the capability to increase and decrease the temperature of the air being supplied to your home. Find out more about the cooling aspect of MVHR.
By Sophie Neaves on Fri 21 July 2023
Our comprehensive passivhaus guide covers everything you need to know about passive house. Discover how smart building design saves money and energy.
By Sophie Neaves on Fri 19 May 2023
Our MVHR guide tells you everything you need to know about MVHR. Discover the immense potential of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.
By Sophie Neaves on Fri 19 May 2023
Children are among those affected most by air pollution. They breathe more rapidly than adults and so absorb more pollutants, plus they have smaller airways. Additionally, they suffer from more respir
By Sophie Neaves on Mon 03 April 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of indoor air quality to not only reduce transmission, but maintain good human health. Learn more about why IAQ is important.
By Sophie Neaves on Fri 10 March 2023
The Building Regulations 2010 released guidance on household ventilation. Get a better understanding of the building requirements for household ventilation.
By Sophie Neaves on Fri 10 March 2023
Mould is a type of fungus which grows best in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Learn how mould is bad for your health and how MVHR prevents it.
By Sophie Neaves on Mon 27 February 2023